/*This is an example of the EasyTransfer Library 2way communications. This sketch is for the Arduino with the servo attached to pin 9. The other Arduino has a potentiometer attached to analog pin 0. Both have a putton attached to pin 12 and output a status using the LED on pin 13. The idea is each arduino will read the status of the button attached to it, and send it to the other Arduino, which will toggle it's LED based on the others button. The button should connect pin 12 to ground when pushed. And the Arduino with the potentiometer will send it's value to the one with the servo. The servo will move to the position based on the potentiometer. */ #include #include //create two objects EasyTransfer ETin, ETout; //create servo Servo myservo; struct RECEIVE_DATA_STRUCTURE{ //put your variable definitions here for the data you want to receive //THIS MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME ON THE OTHER ARDUINO int16_t buttonstate; int16_t servoval; }; struct SEND_DATA_STRUCTURE{ //put your variable definitions here for the data you want to receive //THIS MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME ON THE OTHER ARDUINO int16_t buttonstate; }; //give a name to the group of data RECEIVE_DATA_STRUCTURE rxdata; SEND_DATA_STRUCTURE txdata; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); //start the library, pass in the data details and the name of the serial port. Can be Serial, Serial1, Serial2, etc. ETin.begin(details(rxdata), &Serial); ETout.begin(details(txdata), &Serial); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //enable pull-up pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); myservo.attach(9); } void loop(){ //first, lets read our button and store it in our data structure if(!digitalRead(12)) txdata.buttonstate = HIGH; else txdata.buttonstate = LOW; //then we will go ahead and send that data out ETout.sendData(); //there's a loop here so that we run the recieve function more often then the //transmit function. This is important due to the slight differences in //the clock speed of different Arduinos. If we didn't do this, messages //would build up in the buffer and appear to cause a delay. for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ //remember, you could use an if() here to check for new data, this time it's not needed. ETin.receiveData(); //set our LED on or off based on what we received from the other Arduino digitalWrite(13, rxdata.buttonstate); //set our servo position based on what we received from the other Arduino //we will also map the ADC value to a servo value myservo.write(map(rxdata.servoval, 0, 1023, 0, 179)); //delay delay(10); } //delay for good measure delay(10); }