#include //create object EasyTransfer ET; struct RECEIVE_DATA_STRUCTURE{ //put your variable definitions here for the data you want to receive //THIS MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME ON THE OTHER ARDUINO int16_t blinks; int16_t pause; }; //give a name to the group of data RECEIVE_DATA_STRUCTURE mydata; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); //start the library, pass in the data details and the name of the serial port. Can be Serial, Serial1, Serial2, etc. ET.begin(details(mydata), &Serial); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop(){ //check and see if a data packet has come in. if(ET.receiveData()){ //this is how you access the variables. [name of the group].[variable name] //since we have data, we will blink it out. for(int i = mydata.blinks; i>0; i--){ digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(mydata.pause * 100); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(mydata.pause * 100); } } //you should make this delay shorter then your transmit delay or else messages could be lost delay(250); }