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// the point of this file is to be a sort of DSL for constructing keycaps.
// when you create a method chain you are just changing the parameters
// key.scad uses, it doesn't generate anything itself until the end. This
// lets it remain easy to use key.scad like before (except without key profiles)
// without having to rely on this file. Unfortunately that means setting tons of
// special variables, but that's a limitation of SCAD we have to work around
2020-05-13 01:33:33 +10:00
2020-02-23 13:11:33 +11:00
include <./includes.scad>
2020-05-13 01:33:33 +10:00
dsa_row(3) {
union() {
$skin_extrude_shape = true;
/* $inverted_dish = true; */
/* $rounded_key = true; */
/* $linear_extrude_shape=true; */
/* $rounded_key=true; */
/* $outset_legends = true; */
/* $inverted_dish =true; */
/* $dish_type = "pyramid"; */
/* legend("q") key(); */
/* $outset_legends = true; */
dcs_row(3) {
/* iso_enter() */
union() {
union() {
/* $minkowski_radius = 10; */
/* $minkowski_radius = 0.12; */
/* $key_shape_type = "iso_enter"; */
/* $dish_type ="disable"; */
/* $inverted_dish = true; */
/* $stem_type = "disable"; */
/* $dish_type="3d_surface"; */
/* $support_type = "disable"; */
/* $stabilizer_type = "disable"; */
/* rounded_shape(); */
/* minkowski() { */
/* rounded_key(); */
/* translate([0,0,-200]) cube(10); */
/* difference(){ */
/* key(); */
/* cube(100); */
/* } */
/* minkowski_shape(); */
/* } */
/* translate_u(1,0) {
oem_row(3) {
cherry() legend("q")
union() {
} */
/* difference() {
translate([0,0,-.1]) cube(1.1);
translate([0.5,0.5,-0.5]) polar_3d_surface(step=0.1);
} */
2020-05-13 01:33:33 +10:00
// Written in 2015 by Torsten Paul <>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
// public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
// warranty.
// For details of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication see
// <>.
// example row
/* for (x = [0:1:4]) {
translate_u(0,-x) dcs_row(x) key();
} */
// example layout
2020-05-13 01:33:33 +10:00
/* preonic_default("dcs"); */