break features into their own dir

This commit is contained in:
Bob 2020-05-12 10:49:21 -04:00
parent 0a07212aff
commit a61411258b
5 changed files with 114 additions and 206 deletions

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@ -199,11 +199,6 @@ $tertiary_color = [1, .6941, .2];
$quaternary_color = [.4078, .3569, .749];
$warning_color = [1,0,0, 0.15];
// 3d surface variables
$3d_surface_size = 0.5;
$3d_surface_step = .05;
// key width functions
module u(u=1) {
@ -2165,76 +2160,6 @@ module geodesic_sphere(r=-1, d=-1) {
polyhedron(points=subdiv_icos[0], faces=subdiv_icos[1]);
module 3d_surface(size=$3d_surface_size, step=$3d_surface_step){
bottom = 0;
function p(x, y) = [ x, y, surface_function(x, y) ];
function p0(x, y) = [ x, y, bottom ];
function rev(b, v) = b ? v : [ v[3], v[2], v[1], v[0] ];
function face(x, y) = [ p(x, y + step), p(x + step, y + step), p(x + step, y), p(x + step, y), p(x, y), p(x, y + step) ];
function fan(a, i) =
a == 0 ? [ [ 0, 0, bottom ], [ i, -size, bottom ], [ i + step, -size, bottom ] ]
: a == 1 ? [ [ 0, 0, bottom ], [ i + step, size, bottom ], [ i, size, bottom ] ]
: a == 2 ? [ [ 0, 0, bottom ], [ -size, i + step, bottom ], [ -size, i, bottom ] ]
: [ [ 0, 0, bottom ], [ size, i, bottom ], [ size, i + step, bottom ] ];
function sidex(x, y) = [ p0(x, y), p(x, y), p(x + step, y), p0(x + step, y) ];
function sidey(x, y) = [ p0(x, y), p(x, y), p(x, y + step), p0(x, y + step) ];
points = flatten(concat(
// top surface
[ for (x = [ -size : step : size - step ], y = [ -size : step : size - step ]) face(x, y) ],
// bottom surface as triangle fan
[ for (a = [ 0 : 3 ], i = [ -size : step : size - step ]) fan(a, i) ]
// sides
/* [ for (x = [ -size : step : size - step ], y = [ -size, size ]) rev(y < 0, sidex(x, y)) ], */
/* [ for (y = [ -size : step : size - step ], x = [ -size, size ]) rev(x > 0, sidey(x, y)) ] */
tcount = 2 * pow(2 * size / step, 2) + 8 * size / step;
scount = 8 * size / step;
tfaces = [ for (a = [ 0 : 3 : 3 * (tcount - 1) ] ) [ a, a + 1, a + 2 ] ];
sfaces = [ for (a = [ 3 * tcount : 4 : 3 * tcount + 4 * scount ] ) [ a, a + 1, a + 2, a + 3 ] ];
faces = concat(tfaces, sfaces);
polyhedron(points, faces, convexity = 8);
module polar_3d_surface(size=$3d_surface_size, step=$3d_surface_step){
function to_polar(q) = q * (90 / size);
function p(x, y) = [ sin(to_polar(x)) * size, sin(to_polar(y)) * size, surface_function(sin(to_polar(x)) * size, sin(to_polar(y)) * size) ];
function p0(x, y) = [ x, y, 0 ];
function rev(b, v) = b ? v : [ v[3], v[2], v[1], v[0] ];
function face(x, y) = [ p(x, y + step), p(x + step, y + step), p(x + step, y), p(x + step, y), p(x, y), p(x, y + step) ];
function fan(a, i) =
a == 0 ? [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ sin(to_polar(i))*size, -size, 0 ], [ sin(to_polar((i + step)))*size, -size, 0 ] ]
: a == 1 ? [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ sin(to_polar(i + step))*size, size, 0 ], [ sin(to_polar(i))*size, size, 0 ] ]
: a == 2 ? [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ -size, sin(to_polar(i + step))*size, 0 ], [ -size, sin(to_polar(i))*size, 0 ] ]
: [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ size, sin(to_polar(i))*size, 0 ], [ size, sin(to_polar(i + step))*size, 0 ] ];
function sidex(x, y) = [ p0(x, y), p(x, y), p(x + step, y), p0(x + step, y) ];
function sidey(x, y) = [ p0(x, y), p(x, y), p(x, y + step), p0(x, y + step) ];
points = flatten(concat(
// top surface
[ for (x = [ -size : step : size - step ], y = [ -size : step : size - step ]) face(x, y) ],
// bottom surface as triangle fan
[ for (a = [ 0 : 3 ], i = [ -size : step : size - step ]) fan(a, i) ]
// sides
/* [ for (x = [ -size : step : size - step ], y = [ -size, size ]) rev(y < 0, sidex(x, y)) ], */
/* [ for (y = [ -size : step : size - step ], x = [ -size, size ]) rev(x > 0, sidey(x, y)) ] */
tcount = 2 * pow(2 * size / step, 2) + 8 * size / step;
scount = 8 * size / step;
tfaces = [ for (a = [ 0 : 3 : 3 * (tcount - 1) ] ) [ a, a + 1, a + 2 ] ];
sfaces = [ for (a = [ 3 * tcount : 4 : 3 * tcount + 4 * scount ] ) [ a, a + 1, a + 2, a + 3 ] ];
faces = concat(tfaces, sfaces);
polyhedron(points, faces, convexity = 8);
function surface_function(x,y) = $dish_depth * (sin(acos(x/$3d_surface_size))) * sin(acos(y/$3d_surface_size));
module cylindrical_dish(width, height, depth, inverted){
// .5 has problems starting around 3u
@ -2321,9 +2246,6 @@ module spherical_dish(width, height, depth, inverted){
module flat_dish(width, height, depth, inverted){
cube([width + 100,height + 100, depth], center=true);
module 3d_surface_dish(width, height, depth, inverted) {
scale([width*2,height*2,depth]) rotate([180,0,0]) polar_3d_surface();
//geodesic looks much better, but runs very slow for anything above a 2u
@ -2343,8 +2265,6 @@ module dish(width, height, depth, inverted) {
old_spherical_dish(width, height, depth, inverted);
} else if ($dish_type == "flat") {
flat_dish(width, height, depth, inverted);
} else if ($dish_type == "3d_surface") {
3d_surface_dish(width, height, depth, inverted);
} else if ($dish_type == "disable") {
// else no dish
} else {
@ -2475,6 +2395,8 @@ module supports(type, stem_type, loft, height) {
echo("Warning: unsupported $support_type");
// features are any premade self-contained objects that go on top or inside
module keybump(depth = 0, edge_inset=0.4) {
radius = 0.5;
translate([0, -top_total_key_height()/2 + edge_inset, depth]){
@ -2482,6 +2404,56 @@ module keybump(depth = 0, edge_inset=0.4) {
translate([0,0,-radius]) cube([$font_size, radius*2, radius*2], true);
// a fake cherry keyswitch, abstracted out to maybe replace with a better one later
module cherry_keyswitch() {
union() {
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,1,5 - 0.01]) cube([10.5,9.5, 0.01], center=true);
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,0,-5.5]) cube([13.5,13.5,0.01], center=true);
//approximate (fully depressed) cherry key to check clearances
module clearance_check() {
if($stem_type == "cherry" || $stem_type == "cherry_rounded"){
translate([0,0,3.6 + $stem_inset - 5]) {
module keytext(text, position, font_size, depth) {
woffset = (top_total_key_width()/3.5) * position[0];
hoffset = (top_total_key_height()/3.5) * -position[1];
translate([woffset, hoffset, -depth]){
color($tertiary_color) linear_extrude(height=$dish_depth){
text(text=text, font=$font, size=font_size, halign="center", valign="center");
module legends(depth=0) {
if (len($front_legends) > 0) {
front_of_key() {
for (i=[0:len($front_legends)-1]) {
rotate([90,0,0]) keytext($front_legends[i][0], $front_legends[i][1], $front_legends[i][2], depth);
if (len($legends) > 0) {
top_of_key() {
for (i=[0:len($legends)-1]) {
keytext($legends[i][0], $legends[i][1], $legends[i][2], depth);
// from
// public domain license
@ -3442,22 +3414,22 @@ module shape(thickness_difference, depth_difference=0){
// shape of the key but with soft, rounded edges. no longer includes dish
// randomly doesnt work sometimes
// the dish doesn't _quite_ reach as far as it should
/* module rounded_shape() {
module rounded_shape() {
dished(-$minkowski_radius, $inverted_dish) {
color($primary_color) minkowski(){
// half minkowski in the z direction
color($primary_color) shape_hull($minkowski_radius * 2, $minkowski_radius/2, $inverted_dish ? 2 : 0);
// cube($minkowski_radius);
/* cube($minkowski_radius); */
sphere(r=$minkowski_radius, $fn=48);
// %envelope();
} */
/* %envelope(); */
// this function is more correct, but takes _forever_
// the main difference is minkowski happens after dishing, meaning the dish is
// also minkowski'd
module rounded_shape() {
/* module rounded_shape() {
color($primary_color) minkowski(){
// half minkowski in the z direction
shape($minkowski_radius * 2, $minkowski_radius/2);
@ -3468,7 +3440,7 @@ module rounded_shape() {
} */
@ -3682,16 +3654,6 @@ module top_of_key(){
module keytext(text, position, font_size, depth) {
woffset = (top_total_key_width()/3.5) * position[0];
hoffset = (top_total_key_height()/3.5) * -position[1];
translate([woffset, hoffset, -depth]){
color($tertiary_color) linear_extrude(height=$dish_depth){
text(text=text, font=$font, size=font_size, halign="center", valign="center");
module keystem_positions(positions) {
for (connector_pos = positions) {
translate(connector_pos) {
@ -3717,53 +3679,6 @@ module stems_for(positions, stem_type) {
// a fake cherry keyswitch, abstracted out to maybe replace with a better one later
module cherry_keyswitch() {
union() {
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,1,5 - 0.01]) cube([10.5,9.5, 0.01], center=true);
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,0,-5.5]) cube([13.5,13.5,0.01], center=true);
//approximate (fully depressed) cherry key to check clearances
module clearance_check() {
if($stem_type == "cherry" || $stem_type == "cherry_rounded"){
translate([0,0,3.6 + $stem_inset - 5]) {
module legends(depth=0) {
if (len($front_legends) > 0) {
front_placement() {
if (len($front_legends) > 0) {
for (i=[0:len($front_legends)-1]) {
rotate([90,0,0]) keytext($front_legends[i][0], $front_legends[i][1], $front_legends[i][2], depth);
if (len($legends) > 0) {
top_of_key() {
// outset legend
if (len($legends) > 0) {
for (i=[0:len($legends)-1]) {
keytext($legends[i][0], $legends[i][1], $legends[i][2], depth);
// legends / artisan support
module artisan(depth) {
top_of_key() {
@ -4026,11 +3941,6 @@ $secondary_color = [.4412, .7, .3784];
$tertiary_color = [1, .6941, .2];
$quaternary_color = [.4078, .3569, .749];
$warning_color = [1,0,0, 0.15];
// 3d surface variables
$3d_surface_size = 0.5;
$3d_surface_step = .05;

src/features.scad Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// features are any premade self-contained objects that go on top or inside
include <features/key_bump.scad>
include <features/clearance_check.scad>
include <features/legends.scad>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// a fake cherry keyswitch, abstracted out to maybe replace with a better one later
module cherry_keyswitch() {
union() {
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,1,5 - 0.01]) cube([10.5,9.5, 0.01], center=true);
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,0,-5.5]) cube([13.5,13.5,0.01], center=true);
//approximate (fully depressed) cherry key to check clearances
module clearance_check() {
if($stem_type == "cherry" || $stem_type == "cherry_rounded"){
translate([0,0,3.6 + $stem_inset - 5]) {

src/features/legends.scad Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module keytext(text, position, font_size, depth) {
woffset = (top_total_key_width()/3.5) * position[0];
hoffset = (top_total_key_height()/3.5) * -position[1];
translate([woffset, hoffset, -depth]){
color($tertiary_color) linear_extrude(height=$dish_depth){
text(text=text, font=$font, size=font_size, halign="center", valign="center");
module legends(depth=0) {
if (len($front_legends) > 0) {
front_of_key() {
for (i=[0:len($front_legends)-1]) {
rotate([90,0,0]) keytext($front_legends[i][0], $front_legends[i][1], $front_legends[i][2], depth);
if (len($legends) > 0) {
top_of_key() {
for (i=[0:len($legends)-1]) {
keytext($legends[i][0], $legends[i][1], $legends[i][2], depth);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ include <stems.scad>
include <stem_supports.scad>
include <dishes.scad>
include <supports.scad>
include <key_features.scad>
include <features.scad>
include <libraries/geodesic_sphere.scad>
@ -271,16 +271,6 @@ module top_of_key(){
module keytext(text, position, font_size, depth) {
woffset = (top_total_key_width()/3.5) * position[0];
hoffset = (top_total_key_height()/3.5) * -position[1];
translate([woffset, hoffset, -depth]){
color($tertiary_color) linear_extrude(height=$dish_depth){
text(text=text, font=$font, size=font_size, halign="center", valign="center");
module keystem_positions(positions) {
for (connector_pos = positions) {
translate(connector_pos) {
@ -306,53 +296,6 @@ module stems_for(positions, stem_type) {
// a fake cherry keyswitch, abstracted out to maybe replace with a better one later
module cherry_keyswitch() {
union() {
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,1,5 - 0.01]) cube([10.5,9.5, 0.01], center=true);
hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,0,-5.5]) cube([13.5,13.5,0.01], center=true);
//approximate (fully depressed) cherry key to check clearances
module clearance_check() {
if($stem_type == "cherry" || $stem_type == "cherry_rounded"){
translate([0,0,3.6 + $stem_inset - 5]) {
module legends(depth=0) {
if (len($front_legends) > 0) {
front_placement() {
if (len($front_legends) > 0) {
for (i=[0:len($front_legends)-1]) {
rotate([90,0,0]) keytext($front_legends[i][0], $front_legends[i][1], $front_legends[i][2], depth);
if (len($legends) > 0) {
top_of_key() {
// outset legend
if (len($legends) > 0) {
for (i=[0:len($legends)-1]) {
keytext($legends[i][0], $legends[i][1], $legends[i][2], depth);
// legends / artisan support
module artisan(depth) {
top_of_key() {