// Copyright (c) 2013 Oskar Linde. All rights reserved. // License: BSD // // This library contains basic 2D morphology operations // // outset(d=1) - creates a polygon at an offset d outside a 2D shape // inset(d=1) - creates a polygon at an offset d inside a 2D shape // fillet(r=1) - adds fillets of radius r to all concave corners of a 2D shape // rounding(r=1) - adds rounding to all convex corners of a 2D shape // shell(d,center=false) - makes a shell of width d along the edge of a 2D shape // - positive values of d places the shell on the outside // - negative values of d places the shell on the inside // - center=true and positive d places the shell centered on the edge module outset(d=1) { // Bug workaround for older OpenSCAD versions if (version_num() < 20130424) render() outset_extruded(d) child(); else minkowski() { circle(r=d); child(); } } module outset_extruded(d=1) { projection(cut=true) minkowski() { cylinder(r=d); linear_extrude(center=true) child(); } } module inset(d=1) { render() inverse() outset(d=d) inverse() child(); } module fillet(r=1) { inset(d=r) render() outset(d=r) child(); } module rounding(r=1) { outset(d=r) inset(d=r) child(); } module shell(d,center=false) { if (center && d > 0) { difference() { outset(d=d/2) child(); inset(d=d/2) child(); } } if (!center && d > 0) { difference() { outset(d=d) child(); child(); } } if (!center && d < 0) { difference() { child(); inset(d=-d) child(); } } if (d == 0) child(); } // Below are for internal use only module inverse() { difference() { square(1e5,center=true); child(); } } // TEST CODE use module arrow(l=1,w=.6,t=0.15) { mirror_y() polygon([[0,0],[l,0],[l-w/2,w/2],[l-w/2-sqrt(2)*t,w/2],[l-t/2-sqrt(2)*t,t/2],[0,t/2]]); } module shape() { polygon([[0,0],[1,0],[1.5,1],[2.5,1],[2,-1],[0,-1]]); } if(0) assign($fn=32) { for (p = [0:10*3-1]) assign(o=floor(p/3)) { translate([(p%3)*2.5,-o*3]) { //%if (p % 3 == 1) translate([0,0,1]) shape(); if (p % 3 == 0) shape(); if (p % 3 == 1) translate([0.6,0]) arrow(); if (p % 3 == 2) { if (o == 0) inset(d=0.3) shape(); if (o == 1) outset(d=0.3) shape(); if (o == 2) rounding(r=0.3) shape(); if (o == 3) fillet(r=0.3) shape(); if (o == 4) shell(d=0.3) shape(); if (o == 5) shell(d=-0.3) shape(); if (o == 6) shell(d=0.3,center=true) shape(); if (o == 7) rounding(r=0.3) fillet(r=0.3) shape(); if (o == 8) shell(d=0.3,center=true) fillet(r=0.3) rounding(r=0.3) shape(); if (o == 9) shell(d=-0.3) fillet(r=0.3) rounding(r=0.3) shape(); } } } }