scad-utils ========== Utility libraries for OpenSCAD Morphology ---------- contains basic 2D morphology operations inset(d=1) - creates a polygon at an offset d inside a 2D shape outset(d=1) - creates a polygon at an offset d outside a 2D shape fillet(r=1) - adds fillets of radius r to all concave corners of a 2D shape rounding(r=1) - adds rounding to all convex corners of a 2D shape shell(d,center=false) - makes a shell of width d along the edge of a 2D shape - positive values of d places the shell on the outside - negative values of d places the shell on the inside - center=true and positive d places the shell centered on the edge ### Examples With a basic sample polygon shape, module shape() { polygon([[0,0],[1,0],[1.5,1],[2.5,1],[2,-1],[0,-1]]); } and `$fn=32;`. * `inset(d=0.3) shape();` ![]( * `outset(d=0.3) shape();` ![]( * `rounding(r=0.3) shape();` ![]( * `fillet(r=0.3) shape();` ![]( *`shell(d=0.3) shape();` ![]( *`shell(d=-0.3) shape();` ![]( *`shell(d=0.3,center=true) shape();` ![]( Mirror ------ contains simple mirroring functions mirror_x() mirror_y() mirror_z() example: module arrow(l=1,w=.6,t=0.15) { mirror_y() polygon([[0,0],[l,0],[l-w/2,w/2],[l-w/2-sqrt(2)*t,w/2],[l-t/2-sqrt(2)*t,t/2],[0,t/2]]); }