# RepRapFirmware-Image-Tools Python tools to generate and test RepRapFirmware LCD images from any common image format. Preserves the pixel dimensions, reduces to single-colour. ## Requirements Python3 math, sys, and PIL libraries installed ## RRF-Gen.py Generates images for use with the [RepRapFirmware 128x64 LCD implementation](https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_2_Maestro_12864_display_menu_system) Usage: `./RRF-Gen.py [inputfile] [outputfile]` eg: `./RRF-Gen.py nozzle.gif nozzle.img` ## RRF-View.py Displays a preview of the images. Usage: `./RRF-View.py [inputfile]` ## In use I used this to generate some images for [my menu setup](https://github.com/jameswood/Duet-Maestro-Menu)