Feature: Jekyll responsive_image tag Scenario: Simple image tag Given I have a responsive_image configuration with "template" set to "_includes/responsive-image.html" And I have a file "index.html" with "{% responsive_image path: assets/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread.png alt: Foobar %}" When I run Jekyll Then I should see "\"Foobar\"" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: Adding custom attributes Given I have a responsive_image configuration with "template" set to "_includes/responsive-image.html" And I have a file "index.html" with "{% responsive_image path: assets/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread.png alt: 'Foobar bazbar' title: 'Lorem Ipsum' %}" When I run Jekyll Then I should see "