include Test::Unit::Assertions When /^I run Jekyll$/ do run_jekyll end Then /^Jekyll should throw a "(.+)"$/ do |error_class| assert_raise(Object.const_get(error_class)) { run_jekyll } end Given /^I have a configuration with:$/ do |config| write_file('_config.yml', config) end Given /^I have a responsive_image configuration with:$/ do |config| write_file('_config.yml', "responsive_image:\n#{config}") end Given /^I have a responsive_image configuration with "(.+)" set to "(.+)"$/ do |config, value| write_file('_config.yml', "responsive_image:\n #{config}: #{value}") end Given /^I have a file "(.+)" with:$/ do |path, contents| write_file(path, "---\n---\n#{contents}") end Given /^I have a file "(.+)" with "(.+)"$/ do |path, contents| write_file(path, "---\n---\n#{contents}") end Then /^I should see "(.+)" in "(.*)"$/ do |text, file| assert_match(, end Then /^the file "(.+)" should exist$/ do |path| assert File.exist?(path) end Then /^the file "(.+)" should not exist$/ do |path| assert !File.exist?(path) end Then /^the image "(.+)" should have the dimensions "(\d+)x(\d+)"$/ do |path, width, height| img = Magick::Image::read(path).first assert_equal "#{width}x#{height}", "#{img.columns}x#{img.rows}" img.destroy! end def write_file(path, contents), 'w') do |f| f.write(contents) f.close end end