module Jekyll class ResponsiveImage class ResizeHandler include ResponsiveImage::Utils def resize_image(img, config) resized = [] config['sizes'].each do |size| width = size['width'] ratio = width.to_f / img.columns.to_f height = (img.rows.to_f * ratio).round next unless needs_resizing?(img, width) filepath = format_output_path(config['output_path_format'], config['base_path'], img.filename, width, height) resized.push(image_hash(config['base_path'], filepath, width, height)) # Don't resize images more than once next if File.exists?(filepath) ensure_output_dir_exists!(File.dirname(filepath)) "Generating #{filepath}" i = img.scale(ratio) i.write(filepath) do |f| f.quality = size['quality'] || config['default_quality'] end # Ensure the generated file is copied to the _site directory site_dest_filepath = File.expand_path(filepath, config[:site_dest]) ensure_output_dir_exists!(File.dirname(site_dest_filepath)) FileUtils.copy(filepath, site_dest_filepath) i.destroy! end resized end def needs_resizing?(img, width) img.columns > width end def ensure_output_dir_exists!(dir) unless Dir.exists?(dir) "Creating output directory #{dir}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end end end end end