Feature: Jekyll responsive_image_block tag As a Jekyll template developer I want to include Liquid variables when rendering my responsive images In order to dynamically generate my responsive images Scenario: Simple image tag Given I have a responsive_image configuration with "template" set to "_includes/responsive-image.html" And I have a file "index.html" with: """ {% assign path = 'assets/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread.png' %} {% assign alt = 'Lorem ipsum' %} {% responsive_image_block %} path: {{ path }} title: Magic rainbow adventure! alt: {{ alt }} {% endresponsive_image_block %} """ When I run Jekyll Then I should see "\"Lorem" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: More complex logic in the block tag Given I have a responsive_image configuration with "template" set to "_includes/responsive-image.html" And I have a file "index.html" with: """ {% assign path = 'assets/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread.png' %} {% assign alt = 'Lorem ipsum' %} {% responsive_image_block %} path: {{ path }} {% if another_alt %} alt: {{ another_alt }} {% else %} alt: {{ alt }} {% endif %} {% endresponsive_image_block %} """ When I run Jekyll Then I should see "