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Feature: Extra image generation
Scenario: Specifying a single image and glob patterns
Given I have a responsive_image configuration with:
- width: 100
- assets/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread.png
- assets/*.jpeg
And I have a file "index.html" with "Hello, world!"
When I run Jekyll
Then the image "assets/resized/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread-100x50.png" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the image "assets/resized/progressive-100x50.jpeg" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the file "_site/assets/resized/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread-100x50.png" should exist
And the file "_site/assets/resized/progressive-100x50.jpeg" should exist
Scenario: Specifying a recursive glob pattern
Given I have a responsive_image configuration with:
- width: 100
- assets/**/*
And I have a file "index.html" with "Hello, world!"
When I run Jekyll
Then the image "assets/resized/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread-100x50.png" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the image "assets/resized/exif-rotation-100x50.jpeg" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the image "assets/resized/progressive-100x50.jpeg" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the image "assets/resized/test-100x50.png" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the file "_site/assets/resized/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread-100x50.png" should exist
And the file "_site/assets/resized/exif-rotation-100x50.jpeg" should exist
And the file "_site/assets/resized/progressive-100x50.jpeg" should exist
And the file "_site/assets/resized/test-100x50.png" should exist
Scenario: Honouring Jekyll 'source' configuration
Given I have copied my site to "sub-dir/my-site-copy"
And I have a configuration with:
source: sub-dir/my-site-copy
- width: 100
- assets/*.png
And I have a file "index.html" with "Hello, world!"
When I run Jekyll
Then the image "sub-dir/my-site-copy/assets/resized/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread-100x50.png" should have the dimensions "100x50"
And the file "_site/assets/resized/everybody-loves-jalapeño-pineapple-cornbread-100x50.png" should exist
And the file "_site/assets/resized/progressive-100x50.jpeg" should not exist