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# Jekyll Responsive Images
Jekyll Responsive Images is a [Jekyll]( plugin and utility for automatically resizing images. Its intended use is for sites which want to display responsive images using something like [`srcset`]( or [Imager.js](
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## Installation
Install the gem yourself
$ gem install jekyll-responsive_image
Or simply add it to your Jekyll `_config.yml`:
gems: [jekyll-responsive_image]
## Configuration
An example configuration is below.
template: '_includes/responsive-image.html' # Path to the template to render. Required.
# An array of resize configurations. When this array is empty (or not specified),
# no resizing will take place.
- width: 480 # How wide the resized image will be. Required
- width: 800
quality: 90 # JPEG quality. Optional.
- width: 1400
## Usage
Replace your images with the `responsive_image` tag, specifying a path to the image.
{% responsive_image path: assets/my-file.jpg %}
Any extra attributes will be passed to the template.
{% responsive_image path: assets/image.jpg alt: "Lorem ipsum..." title: "Lorem ipsum..." %}
Create a template to suit your needs. A basic template example is below.
<img src="/{{ path }}"
alt="{{ alt }}"
title="{{ title }}
{% if resized %}
srcset="{% for i in resized %}
/{{ i.path }} {{ i.width }}w{% if forloop.last == false %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}"
{% endif %}